Friday, September 9, 2011

What Are You Working For?

How many days do you wake up thinking about work and going to bed with it on your mind? This is me often, especially yesterday as I worked on a project at 11 p.m.

I love my job. I get to do some pretty cool things like photo shoots and planning events. But do you ever feel like all you do is toil? That word sounds a little archaic, and well, it kind of is. You hear it a lot in the Bible.

The definition of the word toil is "to work extremely hard or incessantly" and "exhausting physical labor." Now generally, I don't do physical labor like lifting things at my job, but many times my mind is exhausted from working incessantly, which physically can be exhausting!

As Americans we are taught at an early age what work ethic is. It is ingrained within us to work hard, go to school, and land our "dream" job. If many of us were to be honest with ourselves, we often work harder to make more money, which in essence will give us a "better" life. But there's so much more purpose to us than to making money.

As I recall the passing of my mother-in-law just over a year ago, I am reminded that life is way shorter than what we want to believe. And at the end of the day, our lives boil down to relationships.

Every single day, I feel a striving to be more successful. That type of striving is stressful, and I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.

In your job, ask yourself why you're working. Is it for monetary gain? If so, you will never find contentment. Find a bigger purpose within your career. We spend way too many hours working for it to be only for money.

And while you're at it, give yourself a break. Sometimes we just need to rest----- our minds, our bodies and just be.

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